Aviation Cadet World

30th Aero Squadron Hangar

In this hangar we will teach others how to build kit aircraft, we will educate the youth in the love of flight, provide a working space, tools, shop, classrooms and instructors. This will open us up to the entire world! We are a teaching facility. Presently we teach our history, with this building we will teach skills that can be used in so many ways in the outside world. Our plan after the hangar is to build a fleet of WWI replica fighters (as those used in Flyboys) and then teach those who build them to fly them. Then we can do Rinebeck type air shows. This will bring in thousands of visitors. We have the dirt pad down, electricity run to the site. We now need to put down the slab and build the 100’ X 125’ hangar.

This is the keystone to the whole project. We MUST build this now!